Architects registered in Canada
Canadian architects currently registered/licensed and in good standing with another provincial or territorial architecture association in Canada may seek membership as a Registered Architect in another Canadian jurisdiction through the Canadian Reciprocity Application for Registration.
Architects registered outside of Canada
Architects registered in another jurisdiction outside of Canada may be eligible to apply for registration in Canada under the terms of a Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA). These MRAs are formal agreements between architectural regulators in different international jurisdictions to mutually recognize the architectural credentials and qualifications of their registrants, and to provide a pathway for them to obtain registration across participating jurisdictions. Registration under the terms of an MRA is a streamlined process. Eligibility requirements vary for each MRA. Today, Canada has agreements in place with the United States and Mexico, the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), and a soon-to-be ratified agreement with Europe (ACE).
Applicants are encouraged to review the terms of each MRA in detail.
Canadian Secretariats
For more information about Canada’s international mobility agreements, interested applicants are invited to contact the appropriate Canadian Secretariat for the administration of the MRA of interest, as listed below:
Canadian Secretariat for the APEC Agreement
ROAC c/o Architectural Institute of British Columbia (AIBC)
Suite 100 – 440 Cambie Street
Vancouver, B.C. V6B 2N5
APEC Contact: Registration & Licensing Department
Related Inquiries:
Web page: More info can be found here
Canadian Secretariat for the Tri-National Agreement
ROAC c/o Ontario Association of Architects (OAA)
111 Moatfield Drive
Toronto, ON M3B 3L6
Tri-National Contact: Kristi Doyle, Executive Director of the OAA
Related Inquiries:
Web page: More info can be found here
Canadian Secretariat for the ACE (Europe) Agreement
ROAC c/o Ordre des architectes du Québec (OAQ)
420 Rue McGill bureau 200
Montréal, Q.C. H2Y 2G1
ACE Contact: appointment pending ratification of the agreement
Related Inquiries: